In the modern era of web design, visual effects play a crucial role in enhancing user experiences. One of the most fascinating CSS properties introduced recently is backdrop-filter. This property allows developers to apply graphical effects, such as blurring or color shifting, to the area behind an element. Whether you’re building sleek glass-like buttons or giving your popups a frosted glass effect, backdrop-filter can be your go-to tool for creating impressive visual designs.

Lets explore what the backdrop-filter property is, how it works, its various use cases, and browser support.

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What is backdrop-filter?

The backdrop-filter property in CSS allows you to apply visual effects to the background behind an element, giving it a unique layered appearance. Unlike the filter property, which applies effects to the element itself, backdrop-filter modifies the area behind the element without affecting the content inside.

Here’s an example of the backdrop-filter syntax:

.element {
    backdrop-filter: blur(10px);

Key Features of backdrop-filter:

  1. Blurring: You can blur the background behind an element, creating a soft, frosted glass effect.
  2. Brightness, Contrast, and Other Filters: Other filters like brightness(), contrast(), grayscale(), etc., can be applied to alter the background.
  3. Combination of Filters: You can combine multiple filters in one declaration for more complex effects.
  4. Transparent Elements: It works best with elements that have transparency, allowing the background to be visible through the element.

How backdrop-filter Works

The backdrop-filter property works by affecting the background content that is visible behind an element. This can include the entire background image, other content layered below, or even the page’s background. The main benefit is that it allows for effects such as:

  • Blurring: Softens the area behind the element.
  • Brightness: Increases or decreases the brightness behind the element.
  • Contrast: Adjusts the contrast, making the background more or less vivid.
  • Grayscale: Converts the backdrop to shades of gray.

Syntax and Usage

Here’s a breakdown of the syntax:

.element {
    backdrop-filter: <effect> [optional additional effects];

You can combine multiple effects using space-separated values, like this:

.element {
    backdrop-filter: blur(5px) brightness(80%) contrast(150%);

Common Effects That Can Be Achieved with backdrop-filter

Let’s take a look at the most commonly used effects:

blur()Blurs the backdrop, creating a soft-focus effect.backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
brightness()Controls the brightness of the backdrop.backdrop-filter: brightness(90%);
contrast()Alters the contrast of the background.backdrop-filter: contrast(120%);
grayscale()Converts the backdrop to grayscale.backdrop-filter: grayscale(100%);
sepia()Applies a sepia tone to the backdrop.backdrop-filter: sepia(100%);

Using Multiple Filters

You can stack filters to achieve complex visual effects. For example:

.element {
    backdrop-filter: blur(10px) brightness(90%) contrast(120%);

Examples of backdrop-filter in Action

Here are a few examples to showcase the power of backdrop-filter:

Frosted Glass Effect

The frosted glass effect is one of the most popular uses of the backdrop-filter property, simulating the look of frosted glass on websites.

.glass-effect {
    backdrop-filter: blur(8px);
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
    border-radius: 10px;
    padding: 20px;

Dim Background Popups

Want to make popups stand out while dimming the background? Use brightness() to darken the backdrop:

.popup {
    backdrop-filter: brightness(60%);

Interactive Live Code Example for backdrop-filter

This example allows you to interact with the backdrop-filter property by adjusting blur, brightness, contrast, and grayscale values in real time.

Explanation :

  • Backdrop Filter: The Quad element is having a backdrop-filter applied, which initially uses a blur effect. Users can customize the backdrop by adjusting the blur, brightness, contrast, and grayscale filters.
  • User Controls:
    • Blur: Adjusts how much the background behind the element is blurred.
    • Brightness: Adjusts the brightness of the background.
    • Contrast: Changes the contrast between the background colors.
    • Grayscale: Converts the background to grayscale, adjusting the intensity.
    • Saturate: You can adjust the color saturation of the background behind the element. Increasing saturation intensifies the colors.
    • Hue-Rotate: Rotates the colors of the background, altering the hue.
    • Invert: Inverts the colors of the background behind the element, making dark colors light and light colors dark.

Instructions for Using this Example:

  • Backdrop Filter: The Quad element is having a backdrop-filter applied, which initially uses a blur effect. Users can customize the backdrop by adjusting the blur, brightness, contrast, and grayscale filters.
  • User Controls:
    • Blur: Adjusts how much the background behind the element is blurred.
    • Brightness: Adjusts the brightness of the background.
    • Contrast: Changes the contrast between the background colors.
    • Grayscale: Converts the background to grayscale, adjusting the intensity.
    • Saturate: You can adjust the color saturation of the background behind the element. Increasing saturation intensifies the colors.
    • Hue-Rotate: Rotates the colors of the background, altering the hue.
    • Invert: Inverts the colors of the background behind the element, making dark colors light and light colors dark.

Backdrop Filter Demo

Adjust the filter settings below to change the appearance of the background behind this element.

Backdrop Filter Controls

Best Practices for Using backdrop-filter

When working with backdrop-filter, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Use Sparingly: Overuse of backdrop-filter can slow down performance, especially on mobile devices.
  • Test on Different Devices: Make sure to test your effects on various devices and screen sizes to ensure that they perform well.
  • Provide Fallbacks: Since not all browsers support backdrop-filter, always include fallback styles.
  • Combine Effects Carefully: Be cautious when stacking multiple filters, as the results can become overwhelming or affect readability.


The backdrop-filter property in CSS is a fantastic way to add modern, eye-catching effects to your web pages. Whether you want to create a frosted glass effect, blur backgrounds, or adjust the brightness, this property can transform the user experience. However, it’s essential to use it carefully and with fallbacks to ensure your website remains accessible to all users.


How is backdrop-filter different from filter in CSS?

The filter property applies visual effects to the element itself (like an image or div), while backdrop-filter affects the area behind the element, without altering the element’s content.

What are some common effects I can create with backdrop-filter?

Some popular effects include:
Blur: Softens the background behind the element.
Brightness: Adjusts the brightness of the backdrop.
Contrast: Enhances or reduces the contrast of the background.
Grayscale: Converts the backdrop to shades of gray.

Which browsers support the backdrop-filter property?

The property is supported in modern browsers like Chrome (76+), Safari (9+), and Edge (17+). Firefox has partial support, but Internet Explorer does not support this feature at all.

How can I provide a fallback for unsupported browsers?

You can provide a fallback by using a solid background color or an opacity effect. For example:
.element {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); /* Fallback */
backdrop-filter: blur(5px);

Can I combine multiple effects using backdrop-filter?

Yes, you can combine effects like blur(), brightness(), and contrast() by separating them with spaces:

backdrop-filter: blur(10px) brightness(80%) contrast(120%);

Does using backdrop-filter affect performance?

Yes, applying heavy effects or using backdrop-filter extensively can impact performance, particularly on mobile devices. It’s best to use it sparingly and test its impact across devices.

What are some practical examples of using backdrop-filter?

You can use backdrop-filter to create effects like frosted glass on popups, overlays, navigation bars, or buttons. This gives the appearance of blurred or dimmed content behind an element, making the front element stand out more.

Can I use backdrop-filter for responsive designs?

Yes, backdrop-filter can be used in responsive designs, but it’s recommended to test its effects across different screen sizes and devices to ensure optimal performance and visual clarity.

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